Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Get Firewise

Today I had created a firewise poster on how to keep safe around fire.Some people had passed away during fire in their house and some fires start by leaving food on in the kitchen and leaving lighters and matches around so the little kids can play with them.You need to be careful around fire because you can either get deep fire skin burns and you can die.Be safe around fire and get down, get out and get firewise.


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45 Failed Test From Beijing London

I am learning to produce information from our own informed perspective

Today I had finished the tasks that my teacher had given me and my group.It was a tasks where we had to read an article called "International Olympic Commitee Announces 45 Failed Test From Beijing London".The article was about people who used drugs to make themselves stronger and faster just to win a medal.Some athletes had used the Steroid drug or known as the "drug that makes you stronger and faster" and was caught cheating.They were never allowed to compete for the olympics ever again.I had really enjoyed reading the story on how athlete get treated when they cheat.

I hope you have fun reading my work...

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Monday, 15 August 2016

Olympic Values

I am learning to explain how an olympic has shown the 3 key ideas of "respect", "excellence" and "friendship" at this year's Rio Olympics 2016. Today we got given a tasks where we had to research an athlete who is competing for the Rio Olympics right now.I had chosen one athlete and that is Valerie Adams.She had come 2 place for the Women's shot put for 2016 and she is so proud of herself.Valerie Adams has been a really good athlete pass the few years for the Rio Olympics 2016.She is a member for the New Zealand Women's Shot put.We had got given 3 parts and this is part 1.

Hope you enjoy reading.

Here is my tasks that I got given:

Hope you enjoyed reading...

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Friday, 12 August 2016

Huriana Manuel

Huriana Manuel plays centre and she is the captain for the Women’s Sevens….

The best two skills for Huriana Manuel is being a try saver known as (defending the other team to not score) and playing the position of centre.The mostess tries she had got for the 2016 Rio Olympics was 18.In the end , the overall score together was 52 to 31 versing Kenya.She played Centre for the rest of her rugby life.

Huriana wanted to become a rugby player when she was 10 years old and 15 years later she became what she wanted to be.The news had spread saying that there is going to be a Woman’s Seven Rugby Team competing for the Rio Olympics and she thought of joining the best New Zealand Girls Rugby Team.She is now competing for the Rio Olympics right now for 2016.She hasn’t been playing rugby recovering to the injury for another 3 month.

Huriana two dreams that she wants to do when she ends the lifetime of rugby is being a pro surfer and traveling the world.Being a pro surfer was a big thing to her when she was playing rugby but she thought of rugby first.She has now achieved her goals on what she wants to be.The person that made her chase her dreams was her rugby coach (Sean Horan).

She chose one goal and stuck to it and the goal was Rugby…...

Huriana Manuel was a rugby player that would always encourage others to try their best and not give up no matter what happens.She is a inspiration to others.

Here are some photos of Huriana Manuel:

Screenshot 2016-08-12 at 11.51.41.pngNew+Zealand+v+Kazakhstan+IRB+Women+Rugby+World+oqirSdDp9Dul.jpg168995491.jpg
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Olympic Vocabulary

WALT define olympic vocabulary

Today we had a task where we had to research on what each word means.We had got given 11 words to research about.The main thing about this tasks was that we had to do some researching and put the meanings into our own words.I had did a paragraph, and I put all those words into one short summary about the olympics.It was a really good tasks that I had did this morning.....Thankyou

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Wednesday, 10 August 2016

My Group Article Review

Bloom's Taxonomy

Today was the day where we had to get into groups of 4 , researching a story in the New Zealand Herald about the Rio Olympics.We read the article about the Women's Sevens coming second place versing Australia.My group buddies were Petra, Jennifer and Faith and we all had to complete slides each to complete our work so we can present it to the class.

The skills that we did to help us understand the article was using our researching skills.It was a really good skill because we managed to slightly finish off the presentation and it was a maxinmum of 8 slides and we had to do it in 1 hour using year 7 and 8 quality.

Next time I will work on finishing off the tasks and learning how to speak with confidence in front of the class.We did a really good job working together as a group cause we all used our researching skills to make it year 7 and 8 high quality.

Here is the work we have provided:

Friday, 5 August 2016

B.A.R.K New Zealand

WALT reflect on the B.A.R.K New Zealand

Today we had a really interesting block with Heather and Tony.They were teaching us how to keep safe around dogs and they were giving us good facts about dogs.Heather had a dog called Dicyan and he has been trained well and knows how to listen to what people say (The Owner).He was a really cool dog.

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Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Challenges of hosting

Today for reading, (Amazing Analysers, & Brilliant Inferes...) came together as a group, and worked together to find out what the challenges are.As we gathered into groups of 5, we then separated ourselves, and gave us 1 different option to read about, and then inform and fill the box with the information we were able to find during reading the story.
Here are 5 options each person in pr group had to read about...
  • Political Impacts
  • Police and Legacy Impacts
  • Economic Impacts
  • Environmental Impacts
  • Health Impacts
Here are the boxes we filled, and the information we found!

Political Impacts

The political crisis.
In Brazil there is a problems with the politics. The reason why? It all started in December where their was a corruption scandal that is was threatened to boil over. While that was happening the president Dilma Rousseff won the re-election for the second term in 2014. The corruption scandal aka the operation car wash was investigated for 2 years up to now. On the brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo, reports that Vice president Michel Temer was accused of attempted murder for the corruption scandal.
Police & Legacy Impacts

The police and legacy crisis.
In Brazil there is a major problem with the policemen.Over the years that went past , innocents have been killed and now the people find it hard to walk the streets.In 2014, 580 people have died and in 2015, 645 people have been killed and that is a overall of 1,225 people who have died.Brazil police rank the worlds most deadly.

The games themselves haven’t been immune to budget cuts, but as brazil faces further cuts in the immediate future, it’s becoming clear that the money it has spent on the games could have been better utilized.
Environmental Impacts


Every olympics naturally comes with environmental problems, and questions. When the Associated Press analyzed the bay water, they found that it was still disgusting. The IOC won’t let themselves test on the water.

The zika virus is a minor health problem in Brazil.Doctors believed that the zika virus wouldn't have much of an impact on the olympics but a lot of athletes are still thinking of not going because of the virus.Others have chosen to get quarantined instead. The government sent military and health professionals to cleanse Rio of mosquitoes, and promised that athletes and fans wouldn’t face much risk.

Should Brazil be hosting??

WALT: use deep thinking, while answering the following question given to us based on, the Olympics. 
Today I've decided to answer this question using the deepest of my thinking skills. If you have any feedback on my question, please comment below.....