On Thursday 26 of February 2016 Tamaki Primary School had a picnic day.It was all about showing fairplay , having fun , working as a team and practicing peaceful play.First off we all sat as a school eating our lunch waiting for Ms Kelly to ask classes to go get their sausage sizzle and ice-blocks down by the school hall.All the classes got their sausage sizzle and ice-blocks and then Ms Kelly said "After you finish eating you can go play"everyone ran as a tribe and the bouncy castle had a long queue , so I just played with my friends with water balloons and throwing water at each other with water bottles.It was so fun because music was playing , games were created , people were drawing , screaming from the bouncy castle , smiles all over the school and students eating with their family.There were two sports that was happening , Softball and Volleyball but I didn't play anything because playing with everyone in Rm 9 and 10 was the bestest thing of the day so far.The day carried on until it was time for home.That day was the best day of 2016 so far.
Here are some images...Or here is a link for more photos , LINK

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