Monday, 31 October 2016

🎃 Halloween 🎃

WALT answer the questions we got given

Here is the tasks we got given when we were in our buddy class. It was a tasks where we had to answer the questions that were given to us.

Here is my work:

Why do we celebrate Halloween ??
We celebrate halloween because it is celebrating the Christians Feasts of all Hallows day and to scare the spirits away

What do you do when you celebrate Halloween ??
When I celebrate halloween, I walk around the streets with my parents in a costume getting ready to knock on peoples door and ask for lollies with the phrase of "Trick or Treat"

What do you see when you celebrate Halloween ??
I see people in scary and cute costumes walking around with bags of lollies

What games do you play when it is Halloween ??
The games you can play is Lollie Scramble, Hide and Seek and Hide and Clap

What do you do when it is Halloween ??
When it is Halloween, all I do is walk around with my family knocking on peoples door for lollies

What food shall we make on Halloween ??
On Halloween, we should cook heaps of scary cookies and cakes

What other things would you like to do on Halloween ??
On halloween, I would like to play scary games with my friends, have a sleep over and eat heaps of lollies

These questions were provided for us to answer...

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