Tuesday, 29 November 2016

ThankYou Card !!!

Today, I got given a tasks to do which was making a Thank You card to the teacher I was with last week and who stood out to me the most. The teacher that stood out to me last week was one of our school teacher's Miss Morrison. She wasn't the only that stood out but the best teacher last week was Miss Ashley. They both had did a lot of fun things they did in their groups and some of the days, I was with them. The letter says it all but Miss Ashley you were the best as well.

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Thank You Miss Morrison and hope you enjoyed reading...

Monday, 28 November 2016

Diamond Poetry (EOTC)

WALT write a Diamond Poetry

Today, we had got given a tasks to do and it was called a Diamond Poetry. What we had to do was do a Diamond Poetry about our favourite thing, our classroom and our last day. It was a really fun and thinking tasks to do but here is my Diamond Poetry I have come up with.

My Favourite thing:
Tired, Relaxed,
Eating, Watching, Sleeping,
Calm, Massive,

The Classroom:
Room 8,
Loud, Focused,
Talking, Learning, Blogging,
Anxious, Confident,

The Last Day:
Enthusiastic, Eager,
Working, Thinking, Writing,
Determined, Helpful,
Team Building,

I really hope you enjoyed reading my Diamond Poetry...

Please leave a comment on my blog, Thank You !!

Bloom's Taxonomy

WALT use Bloom's Taxonomy to critically summarize a current event

Today, the people that didn't go camp had to do a current events tasks. It is a tasks that you have to find a story to read about and answer the questions given to you on each slide. I did a story called (Coming Second Place) and the story was all about how the NZ woman seven's came second place. They had got beaten by Australia and they feel guttered because they thought they put down NZ. This story is really interesting to read and you should read it.

Please leave a comment and hope you enjoyed reading my work...

Thank You !!

Friday, 25 November 2016

EOTC Photos

This week was the year 4-6 EOTC but some of the year 7-8 had went with them as well because they didn't go to Camp. On this google drawing, it shows all the photos we had did this whole week but there is more photo's. It was a good and enjoyment week because we had been places and stayed at school as well.

I really enjoyed this week's EOTC and I hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures...

Please leave a comment...

My EOTC Reflection

WALT reflect on EOTC

Today we had got given a tasks to do. It was all about talking about what we did all week. The things we had did all week were:

  • Bowling
  • Lazer Strike
  • MiniGolf
  • Team Building
  • Slip and Slide
  • Movies
  • Reflection
Those are the things we had did all week and it was a really fun week while the year 7-8 had went to camp. On this google drawing, it has questions and we had to answer them but for each verse, we had to do 50 words and the last verse we had to use 75 words and I managed to complete that.

I really hope you had fun reading what we did all week...

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My EOTC Week

WALT reflect on this week's EOTC

Today, We had got given a tasks to do with our peers. This week has been a really busy and fun week because we had been out places and stayed at school, doing Team building and Fun games. On this presentation, it has everything you need to know about this week's EOTC and on this presentation it has a lot of information and a little bit of pictures. This is all about my EOTC Week.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my week...

Please leave a comment...

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Camp Raglan Movie !!

Past the few days, the student leaders and me have created a movie to show our parents for the Camp Raglan 2016. We had taken lots and lots of photos and videos but later on I will be showing the video we had created. It tells you What Participation and Contribution means to you ? and What Relating to others mean ? In this video it tells you everything about Camp Raglan and what the key competencies mean to you and the other people.

Here is the link that will lead you to the movie:

I really hope you enjoyed watching the movie and please leave a comment...

Thank You,

Cultural Poem

WALT write a cultural poem

This is my Maori Poem that I have created with no help. It was a tasks that we got given because it was all about our school inquiry topic (Celebrations).

Here is my Cultural Poem:

The Maori flag sits high in the sky, waving around and saying hi,
Our Maori flag flies higher than the rest, but everyone know’s Maori’s are the best,

My maori race, I will not disgrace
Because we are here to win this place,
The maori clothes is what we wear, to show that we all have no fear,

I sit here as a Maori with happiness and pride, but there is usually nothing to hide,
A waiata and haka is what we sing, to know that we aren’t always the bling,

But taste our food because it will change your mood,
My Maori pride is my mind, but my Maori blood is my kind,

Thank You, Goodbye.

I really hope you enjoyed reading my poem I have come up with.

Please leave a comment on my blog.

Howick Movie Theatre

WALT to reflect on what we did

Today, Some of the year 4-8 students had went to the Howick Movies to watch The Secret Life Of Pets. It was a really good movie to watch because so of the parts had made me and my pairs laugh. The highlight of the movie for me was when the Snowball (The Rabbit) and Max (The Dog) had worked together to save Duke (The big dog) life. It was a really interesting movie to watch because of the parts showed the same actions as my real dog.

My Group member's in my group were:

  • Taylor
  • Me
  • Troy
  • Joshua
  • Sosaia
I really hope you enjoyed reading what we did today but please leave feedback or feedforward.

Here is a photo of the movie we had watched:

School Fun ! EOTC Week

WALT reflect on what we did today

Yesterday on the 23rd of November 2016, We had a school fun for our EOTC week. So far we have did Bowling-Lazer Strike, Minigolf, School Fun and Movies. It was a really exhausting and fun day yesterday because we had slip and slide, and team building activities. We got put into 4 groups with each adult and we had four rotations.

The rotations were:

  • Hand Painting
  • Paper Christmas Tree's
  • Christmas Star
  • Face Painting
Some of the things we did were quiet difficult especially the Christmas star which was with Miss Morrison. After lunch time we had heaps of fun doing High Jump, Obstacle Courses and Water activities but my highlight was wetting the teachers. The teachers found it fun aswell but so did the students.

I hope you enjoyed reading what we did on the 23rd of November 2016, But please leave a comment on what I should work on.

Here is some photo's we had did:

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Lilliput Mini Golf

WALT reflect on what we did at Mini Golf

Today on the 22nd of November 2016, we went to Mini Golf for the 4-8 EOTC. Some people had fun doing the Mini Golf and so did I. First of all, we entered our school building and waited in one classroom (Room 6). Then we departed TPS to go to Mini Golf. It was at a well known area which was (Orakei) but if you don't know where Mini Golf is, it is next to Parnell Pools. We got put into groups and off we went to play Mini Golf. 

My group members that were participating with me was:
  • Irys
  • Me (Paris)
  • Sosaia
  • Timote
  • Faka'ata
  • Kensington
  • Coralee
I enjoyed the playing Mini Golf with the people I was with because they were really good at playing and they were making me laugh to much. Thanks to Kensington and Faka'ata mum because she had bought me and my group members a Trumpet and Popsicle each. She was really generous to even buy us food and use her money for us.

The best words that I can suits my feelings at Mini Golf are:
  • Happiness
  • Having Fun
  • Joy
  • Tiring
  • Exhausting
  • And Excellent
I hope you enjoyed reading what we have done so far and please leave a comment...

Here are some photo's we took at Mini Golf:

Monday, 21 November 2016

EOTC Week !!

WALT reflect on what we did so far at EOTC

Today 21 November, Some of the year 4-5-6-7-8 went to EOTC which stands for Education Outside The Classroom. All we did was go to Tenpin Bowling and Lazer Strike. We got put into groups of 6 because of the bowling space but we were group 12. It was a really fun day outside the classroom and I can't wait until tomorrow because we are doing mini golf.

I hope you enjoyed reading what we have done so far this week... Please leave a comment...

Here are some photos that we did at the Arena of Lazer Strike:

Here are some photo's that we had did at Bowling:

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Food and Treats

Today in this block, we had got given a book to read with a buddy in Room 6. The book we got given was Food and Treats and the book was full of heaps of ideas but here is the things we had read about in the book.

  • Hundreds And Thousands
  • Whipped Cream
  • Dessert Jelly
  • Soft Drinks
  • And Chocolate & Chip Cookies
The thing that was mostly important in the book was How hundreds and thousands were made, How dessert jelly goes wobbly and How you melt the butter to make the cookie chewier. The book was really interesting to read because we found out things we didn't even know but now that we had read the book, we know what the special things are in food and treats. Everyone has a favourite food treat but I wonder what is the science behind making them ??. In the book, a food manufacturer opens doors to reveal some of the secrets behind making these popular and yummy treats. But in this book, you will learn the difference between natural and processed sugar and how you can eat sweet food. From my point of view, don't eat too much sweets because it is not healthy for you.
My buddies point of view : Don't eat too much lollies because it is not good for your teeth

Here is a image of the book we have read !!!

Here is a photo of me and my buddy !!!