Thursday, 24 November 2016

Cultural Poem

WALT write a cultural poem

This is my Maori Poem that I have created with no help. It was a tasks that we got given because it was all about our school inquiry topic (Celebrations).

Here is my Cultural Poem:

The Maori flag sits high in the sky, waving around and saying hi,
Our Maori flag flies higher than the rest, but everyone know’s Maori’s are the best,

My maori race, I will not disgrace
Because we are here to win this place,
The maori clothes is what we wear, to show that we all have no fear,

I sit here as a Maori with happiness and pride, but there is usually nothing to hide,
A waiata and haka is what we sing, to know that we aren’t always the bling,

But taste our food because it will change your mood,
My Maori pride is my mind, but my Maori blood is my kind,

Thank You, Goodbye.

I really hope you enjoyed reading my poem I have come up with.

Please leave a comment on my blog.


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